The purpose of our Training Projects is to ensure that your equipment is working correctly and you are properly following the instructions step-by-step. We inform all of our customers that following the interlacing, printing and laminating instructions is critical when working with any lenticular project. Without completing a project, we cannot help diagnose any issues that occur when creating your own lenticular prints. If you successfully complete a Training Project and problems occur with your own project, most likely your artwork is the issue.
If you have not already, we suggest purchasing the Flip Cat & Mouse Target Sample or 3D Dinosaur Target Sample. These samples are used as targets for you to compare your own printed Flip Cat and Mouse or 3D Dinosaur print after completing the project. If you can successfully replicate the Flip Cat and Mouse or 3D Dinosaur Target, you can continue with your own projects with either the same or similar interlacing settings. Make sure to print future projects with the same print settings.
The Cat & Mouse Project was created to teach you the basics of Flip Lenticular Printing.
If you run into any problems, feel free to contact our team at 702-897-6185.
This tutorial explains how to:
• Program SuperFlip! settings
• Interlace two images together
• Save and print your interlaced image
• Attach a Flip Lenticular Lens to the interlaced print
Let's Begin!
LAMINATION - Attaching Photo to Lenticular Lens
1 Open SuperFlip!
2 Options Box
Enter or Verify Settings
Width 6.25 Height 4.25
Use Separators Check Mark ON
Line Screen (lpi): 39.9 or Your LPI
from PitchTest on Your Printer
Use Compression Check Mark ON
Use Alignment Marks Check Mark OFF
Resample Output Check Mark ON 600 ppi
Interlace Direction Horizontal
Print Check Mark ON
Save Check Mark ON
Invert CMYK Check Mark OFF
Select Separator Settings
3 Separator Options Box
Enter or Verify Settings
Duplicate Input Images: 5
Fixed Color Check Mark ON
4 Color Box, Enter or Verify Settings
Red 160
Green 160
Blue 160
Selection OK
* NOTE: These are our settings for Printing with a Canon IP7220 Printer on HP
Advanced Photo Paper. Your setting may be different. More information
can be found in the SuperFlip! Help Tab.
Any newer Canon, HP, or Epson inkjet printer should work out of the box.
SUPERFLIP!5 Program Settings
SuperFlip!5 - Cat & Mouse Settings
1 Open SuperFlip!
Select ADD
2 Open Dialog Box,
Select Cat & Mouse Files
Select OPEN
3 Process Setup Dialog Box, Enter or Verify Settings
Line Screen (lpi): 39.9 or
Your LPI from Pitch Test on Your Printer
Width 6.25 Height 4.25
Resample Output Check Mark ON 600 ppi
Use Alignment Marks Check Mark OFF
Use Color Separations Check Mark OFF
Preserve Aspect Ratio Check Mark ON
Use Separators Check Mark ON
Select Advanced Separator Settings, Enter or Verify
Duplicate Input Images: 5
Fixed Color Check Mark ON
Select Choose RGB Color, Enter or Verify
Red 160,Green 160, Blue 160
Selection OK
Interlace Direction HORIZONTAL
4 Resolution Enhancement Dialog Box,
5 Save As Dialog Box,
Select Desktop or other Folder and Save
6 Print Dialog Box, Enter or Verify
Select Your Printer.
7 Load Advanced Photo Paper or similar in Printer
Use the OTHER PHOTO PAPERS setting
or similar, Best Quality, Landscape Orientation
YOU MUST USE the same settings and
Photo Paper when printing Pitch Tests and your
Interlaced photos. When we find settings you
like save them for quicker selection on future prints.
Selection OK and PRINT
* NOTE: These are our settings for Printing with a Canon IP7220 Printer on HP
Advanced Photo Paper. Your setting may be different. More information
can be found in the SuperFlip! Help Tab.
Any newer Canon, HP, or Epson inkjet printer should work out of the box.
Unless specifically requested, VueThru applies an Optically Clear Adhesive on the smooth side of all lenticular lens sold. There is a clear release liner on top of the Adhesive that protects the lens. You can follow along with the Applying the Lenticular Lens section of the Cat & Mouse video for a better visual aide. Once you have a photo ready to attach to the lens:
1. Hold the lenticular lens, lines facing down. Take a piece of tape and press down on one of the top corners of the lens. Lift the tape up to raise the clear release liner. Gently pull down the release liner to expose 1 inch of the adhesive on top of your lens. Remove the tape from the corner and attach it to the center of the release liner, creating a curl. Do not crease the release liner, the curl will keep the adhesive off the print until you are ready to attach the lens.
2. Place your photo on a flat surface about waist high and place the lens, lines facing up, on top. Place your left thumb on the bottom left corner of the lens. With your right thumb and index finger, pinch the right side of the lens just below the release liner, rotate your wrist back toward you, lifting the exposed adhesive away from the photo while pressing the bottom portion of the lens against the photo. Apply pressure to the bottom portion of the lens while holding the top portion (with the exposed adhesive) away from the photo. Begin with the lens at an angle with the right side higher than the left. You should see a zebra effect when looking through the lens. Slowly lower the right side of the lens and notice the zebra bands widen until only one image is visible.
3. Use a rocking motion to move your body in and out over the photo to ensure the image has a proper flip. Make slight adjustments as necessary. Proper flip would be the image transitioning horizontally not diagonally.
4. Once the two images are aligned, keep pressure on the lens to prevent moving and release your index fingers to lay the lens flat on the photo. Starting at the middle of the lens, move your fingers up over the exposed adhesive and press it to the photo.
5. Flip the image over and hold the photograph away from the lens in order to remove the release liner. Make sure you hold the photo away from the exposed adhesive to avoid air bubbles. Starting from the attached portion of the photo, use the squeegee to press the image, towards you, on top of the adhesive while slowly lowering the photo at the same time.
6. Silver specs can appear after attaching a lenticular lens. Simply use the squeegee on the backside of the photo to speed up the adhesive process. It usually takes 24 hours for the photo to completely bond to the lens.
Pitch Test
The purpose of the Pitch Test is to calibrate the lenticular lens with your printer, providing a line screen (LPI) number. This number is entered into the SuperFlip! Software when interlacing your images together. Without the proper LPI Value, your print may not properly flip.
You may not need to perform a Pitch Test. With purchases, VueThru provides a label with estimated LPI numbers for InkJet and Thermal printers. Before printing your own Pitch Test, try using the suggested LPI numbers. If you replicate the Cat & Mouse Target Sample correctly, you will not need to create your own Pitch Test and can continue with your own projects using this LPI Value.
Do not worry about the horizontal bandings (blocks) that occur during the transition. This will be worked out in the SuperFlip! processing of your interlaced image.
Pitch Test Examples
SuperFlip! Software
Download SuperFlip!5
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